Saturday 17 May 2014

human atlas

my next geographic challenge will be the creation of a hand-made human atlas in which the lines of the coasts of the continents will represent the shape of human bodies crowded and overlapped one over the other.
the shapes of the lands should be completely exact, but the drawings in them would have a sort of unfinished artistic confusion.

this atlas should be composed by several pages like a common one. all the continents should be perfectly represented. indeed it has to be a sort of precise map overlapping some crazy drawing.
I'm not sure about the behaviour of the people drown in this atlas but my idea is to represent human bodies that have to be completely naked and therefore it's quite immediate to me imagining this drawing as a sort of orgiastic composition of bodies. a sort of bacchanal.
this could be a metaphor of the human overpopulation in the world and of the mixing of races all around.
the vicious impression would give a sort of insane feeling, cause indeed human race is a sort of dangerous virus for the planet.
so that's all.

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