Friday 24 August 2012


Buy the Only Original Political Pangea Map 
by clicking this link: Political Pangea by Massimo Pietrobon and get your own copy.
Thank you for helping me to continue creating new (Geo)Graphic works!

(Political Pangaea gadgets here! have a look!)

Ecco a voi la cartina più interessante del mondo:
Al di là del gioco formale di riportare le divisioni amministrative sull'antica piattaforma continentale della Pangea, ci sono delle implicazioni teoriche (o metafisiche) nel realizzare questa mappa:
Riunire il mondo in un unico pezzo di terra rappresenta un ritorno all'unità primordiale del pianeta, all'unità del genere umano, in barba alle divisioni che tanto comodo fanno ai nostri governanti!

E cosi si creano spontaneamente degli shock geo-politici, dei cortocircuiti della nostra idea convenzionale di mondo. Per esempio gli Stati Uniti si ritrovano davanti al muso tutti gli Arabi, mentre a sud confinano direttamente sia con Cuba che la Colombia! 
Noi europei invece ci troviamo l'Africa in casa finalmente: basta alle migliaia di morti in mare per arrivare in Europa, adesso ci si arriva in bicicletta! E senza nessun pericolo!
Ancora, finalmente gli afroamericani si riuniscono ai loro cugini africani tout-court e li possono andare a visitare in autobus.
Non solo, i marocchini potranno finalmente andare in Quebec a piedi! Era ora!

E ancora molte, molte, molte altre connessioni sorprendenti!
Buon viaggio fantastico in un mondo riunito!

Il mondo è uno.
L'umanità è una
Viva la Pangea politica!


  1. l'avvento della mappa politica della pangea era stato teorizzato giá nel lontano gennaio 2009 in un o dei primi post del blog:

    finalmente ora la mappa ha visto la luce. viva le geografie alternative!

    1. Ottimo!! Grazie per il tuo blog!!

    2. where is hungary?MoYarország?India?

    3. India is by China and Hungary is by Romania. You need to closely

  2. You are totally awesome!

  3. There is something wrong in these map. Japan is a arc of volcanic island, not a block in Pangea.

    1. yes, you are right but the idea was to keep visible and recognizable modern states. of course, this was not the real chape of pangea. but thank you for the comment and for visiting the blog

  4. The scale of the countries is not right. China is not that big. Canada is bigger. The continent of Africa is smaller, especially the Northern part. Antarctica is bigger.Australia is bigger. Saudi Arabia is smaller. Mexico is smaller. Indonesia, Philippines, Borneo, and Japan should not be on this map, they are volcanic islands, over great lengths of time, they come and go, in different sizes and shapes, or dissapear entire. I can keep going, but, this would get tedious.

    1. yes, it's just a trial, it can be better.

    2. no, the map is not perfect, but Africa is that big: Algeria vs. the USA, for example:

    3. WOW thank you for the link to the overlap maps!

    4. It may not be a perfect map but if this map were reality I could take the train to any country I wanted. Rail lover Pete.

    5. It depends on the map projections. So the area is most of the time not projected correctly and in most maps Africa seems to be smaller than Russia or Canada, which is not correct, since Canada and Russia are close to polar regions where the surface area projection from a sphere onto a plane is multitplied and therefore they appear larger than they are.

  5. The first thing I thought when I saw this is that I wanted to buy a print for my wall. Will you think of making it available for purchase at some point?

    1. I too would be interested in receiving a higher definition file. I found your image via this website link - and was impressed by your work! I always was fascinated by Pangaea! Would it be okay if I requested the file through e-mail as well? Let me know. thanks - Edward

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Massimo,

      I am a Geography teacher and think this would make a beautiful print for my classroom. Can I also receive a print? Thank you! Beautiful piece!

  6. This is very cool.

    That a lot of this is a guess, is not relevant. What we know of that time is very approximate, so this rendering could be just as accurate as our "best" knowledge. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Damn it. Switzerland had sea access... We missed paying attention while the continents where moving.

  9. Do you have versions of your Pangea Politica map available for sale?

    I can point you at places that will handle that for you if you're interested.

    Thanks -- Dave Schroeder (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)

  10. this guy, Jim White, wrote me that in this page is possible to buy a printed copy of the image. I think it's true. it's not my own business, so I cannot assure anything. anyway, here you have the link:

  11. Masssssssssimo
    great work with the map - like this...

    "The World Is A Dangerous Place To Live, Not Because Of The People Who Do Evil, But Because Of Those Who Do Not Do Anything About It."
    Albert Einstein

  12. Is there any chance you could create a "map" with the poles and the equator shown? this would be even more interesting in order to have a rough guess on the climate...


  13. Bravisimo!!! Abito nella Argentina, ma Mia Mamma e nata a Roncade, Treviso! Tu sei di Roncade, e vero? Mia Mamma e nata nel 1939, e s'e venuta in Argentina nel 1952! Cognome Scopel. Anche qui nella Argentina ci sono dei Pietrobon!!!

    Cristián Schmid

    1. siii! di Roncade, Treviso! incredibile! Scopel è un tipico nome della zona. Argentina! nuestros hermanos al otro lado del charco! viva!!

    2. you live in Argentina Massimo?. and you put the antartic as chilean and brithih?

    3. there are a lot of struggle about antarctica, but in the end, antarctica is freeeeeeee. at least ona piece of earth!! :) (I didn't live in Argentina! :) )

  14. Bravissimo, Massimo!

  15. I'm from Iraq, we had beach according this map :( but now we don't have any beach whatsoever. We have one port and we were fighting for it for 8 years :(

    1. next Pangea I'm gonna give you the biggest beach ever! hehe

  16. Respect the real territory of the antartic.

  17. You include countries/land masses that were not part of or post date Pangea such as Iceland

    1. of course: you are right. this map has to be read as a conceptual work (or if you want, just a graphic game) the strength of the idea is to put together all the actual countries but of course the lands were different millions of year before. Himalaya, Pacific islands, Japan, and lot of places were even not existing as proper lands.
      it's just an idea (and it's also not perfect: I would change some parts like Iran, Mexico, Arctic and Tierra del Fuego... anyway.
      it's not science. it's an imaginative map

  18. Beautiful, but... What is the Isthmus of Panama and Japan doing there? Anyway, good job.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Super work! Try imagine former Earth in time of Pangea as globe with diameter of 2/3 of recent one. So your's Pangea + Pacific should cover it +- completely. It should be possible. :) Some event came 250 mil years ago, broken up and blowed up the former Earth and it was a reason of the biggest extinction ever too!

  21. Thats a very cool Project! only one thing :there was no Iceland 300 million years ago...

    " the island first appearing over the ocean surface about 16 to 18 million years ago."

  22. This is the closest image to the reality of Pangea we can imagine, I presume. The dimension of several actual countries must have been changed with the movement of the huge tectonic plates - some were shrinked while others had enlarged or even popped up. The map fits only if the ocean waters kept the same level, which is unlikely. If the ocean water level changes 100 meters or so all the world geography will change dramatically.
    Anyway this is a superb work. Thanks for it and for the hundreds of funny, curious or unexpected ideas you share in this blog. For me, this "Pangea" was was the prime key to discover your immense and eclectic creativity.

  23. I love this, I have read the critique and honestly, those people are soulless bores. Kudos.

  24. Molto bella!
    E penso che almeno platonicamente ci si sta avvicinando...

  25. Hi Massimo! I'm organizing a conference on 'Decolonizing the Academy' at University of Edinburgh. Could we use your image (crediting you of course)? I've just discovered you're the creator. It's a fantastic graphic.

    1. Yes of course you can. I'm glad you liked it.
      If you need a better quality image write to me to this mail

  26. English, please ^^

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Espetacular, Massimo !!!
    We live to put all people together!
    Saulo FS

  29. Espetacular, Massimo !!!
    We live to put all people together!
    Saulo FS

  30. Hello Massimo!
    I'm from germany and soon I have a presentation at school. I would like to use your image (of course you as an creator). Can I use it? I like ist, its fantastic!

  31. This is trending in UK in 2017 on Indy100 site! So I have a question. Why is 'Tibet' attached to India and Nepal? The Himalaya range and Tibetan Plateau to the north of Himalaya were created when the Indo-Australian Plate moved north into the Eurasian plate (which included the area that was pushed upwards creating the mountain range and Tibetan plateau).

    1. I think you are totally right. This map has some "errors" that I would also like to modify. This is one of them.
      Anyway this map is a conceptual and artistic map because it's impossible to insert all modern lands with their modern shapes and relative borders inside a world that was different with flooded regions, different mountains, rivers, seas, coasts. The general composition is correct but when you look at some specific detail you can always find "errors".
      If you look for " new political Pangaea " in my blog you can see a more scientific version of this image.

  32. Hello! I'm a researcher for QI (@qikipedia on Twitter). We'd like to feature this map on our Twitter feed - would that be OK with you? We'd credit you, and link to either this blog or your Twitter (if you have one), of course.

  33. The only problem I see is that from Peru we have to walk over Honduras and Panama to get to the beach!

  34. Beautiful work! Can I use this map as an album cover?

    1. hello! yes, of course, can you quote my name and blog? it would be interesting to have a view (or the possibility to listen) your work.

  35. Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn't show up. Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. Anyway, just wanted to say fantastic post!

  36. Bonjour Massimo. Je trouve cette carte superbe et très intéressante. J'écris actuellement un livre qui comporte 3 périodes de l'Histoire (dans l'une, je parle du super-continent Pannotia et en particulier de l'existence d'Avalonia ). Puis-je insérer votre carte de la Pangée dans mon livre en citant bien sûr votre nom? Et auriez-vous l'envie de faire la même chose avec les autres super-continents (comme Pannotia évidemment)? Merci beaucoup... (Dominique, auteure indépendante - France)

    1. Bonjour et merci beaucoup pour m'ecrire sur votre projet.
      je trouve tres interessante votre idée et bien sûr je vous permits d'utiliser mon image pour votre livre, j'en serais vreiment heureux.
      merci aussi pour citer mon nom, comme auteur de la carte.

      c'est aussi vraiment interessant la proposition pour les autres cartes des autres continents. parlons-ne!

      je vous donne mon addresse email:

      écrivez moi là, svp

      à bien tôt


  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This map is inaccurate. It doesn't include 3 countries of Transcaucasia

  39. Amazing!
    Loved also your "through my eyes" is crazy!
    Very inspiring! keep it coming :)

  40. Is that the old picture of ancient World Globe ? All continent looks near each other ..

    If the answer is yes, it would be new sight in myself since I have never been seeing it before. Hence, it would be new knowledge for me.

    By the way, talking about knowledge, I have useful information about it, coming from certain website. It is about positive and negative impact of globalization in education. I hope this will bring benefit for all.

  41. When I look at this Pangea Politica map, I can not see my beautiful country's beach there. hehe

    probably, it was ancient time map of my beautiful country's beach.

  42. Hi Massimo,
    Great map.
    I am writing a book about my local area of Australia and would love to include this map and will give due accreditation.
    Can you please email me a high resolution image.
    I don't see any meridians. Assume that the south pole is somewhere up from the bottom of the globe.

  43. According to the picture of Globe above, I can not see my own country there. Probably, it causes by the whole world which unites in one continent.

    If the world unites like in the sketch, maybe be economical atmosphere could be different.

    Selling a product may takes easier than before, I guess. For instance, we sell a product of cosmetic such as beauty soap and some others.

    What about your opinion about my sight?

  44. It looks great, Pangea Politica map as mr. schroeder said. Congratulation for your opportunity job given by him.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Hello,
    Really very happy to say, your post is very interesting to read. I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up.

  47. Respect the real territory of the antartic.

  48. Hello, thank you for this stunning Pangea map. Would it be possible to get a Hi Res file of it so that I can make a poster for my grandson? If not do you have posters of this for sale? I would be very grateful
    Teresa J

    1. Hello Teresa, thank you for your support
      If you want to buy a copy, have a look here:

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. Kyiv not "Kiev". Please, correct name of the capital of Ukraine.

  52. Great work. One small item, There is a plate, the Yakutat Block, that now is in south Alaska and adjoins the North American Plate that began in the current San Juan/Puget sound area

  53. Olá, Massimo,
    Your map is amazing! Congrats!
    Could you please send me a version good enough for print in paper to use in a material that we are making for teachers? The idea is to use only a part, with Portugal and its old neighbors. :)
    It would be explendid!


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